hmm.. ever feel need to change your default blogger template ? got nowhere to look at ? youll find this post helpfull then.
If you need 2 ( two ) or 3 ( three ) column blogger template that wont bitting your finance *grin* youll definitely find some of beautiful template on .
its one of many sites that offer some nice clean template ,mostly its only variate on background pictures,but worth to try still. here's some of the template you'll find there :
Water Beads Template
Chocolate Template
Red Heart Template
there's old blogger html template too, aside from the new xml template , find out more of those free template on
mengatasi error escapeshellarg() disabled di codeigniter
Baru kali ini bermasalah dengan *library **"Upload" * nya codeigniter,
muncul notifikasi kesalahan "escapeshellarg() has been disabled for
security reasons...